Please note! If there are existing questionnaires which were set up before July 2024, they will be visible in Questionnaire Management, but cannot be actively modified. These questionnaires were entered via the database, instead of via Questionnaire Management. Solution: Create a new questionnaire via Questionnaire Management and follow the steps as mentioned in this article. |
- General
- Precondition(s)
- Step-by-step plan for configuration
- Step 1: Configure the questionnaire
- Adding a new questionnaire
- Configuring the questionnaire
- Add category
- Edit and delete category
- Add question
- Question type: Information Text field
- Question type: Open question
- Question Type: Closed question
- Question type: Date & Time field
- Dependencies
- Scoring groupings
- Multilingualism
- Publishing the questionnaire
- Step 2: The Answers
- Step 3: The invitation and reminder(s)
- Step 4: The follow-up actions
- Step 1: Configure the questionnaire
XS Forms is a paid module that allows the customer to configure and send public questionnaires.
If you are looking for a list of frequently asked questions, click here: XS-Forms: Q&A
The questionnaire is sent via e-mail or text message. The recipient must therefore have a valid email address or phone number to be able to receive it.
The management of the questionnaire does not work in Internet Explorer or Edge IE mode.
Step-by-step plan for configuration
In short, the step-by-step plan:
- Add a new questionnaire and publish it.
- Create form fields for all questionnaire questions.
- Create a reporting plan (read: a consultation type).
- Create a message template for sending the questionnaire.
- Create a new task, incl.:
- Link the report plan as a screen.
- Add an event, link the message template to it.
- Add the task to a protocol.
- Follow-up actions (optional):
- Overview card: for showing the given answers
- Documents: Form fields can be added in documents
- Screens: Form fields can be (pre-)filled in screens.
- Triggers
Step 1: Configure the questionnaire
Within the 'Application settings' tab in Xpert Suite Management, the option 'Questionnaire management' becomes available when activating the mentioned plugins. Within questionnaire management, two categories of questionnaires are distinguished (see screenshot below):
- Own questionnaires: This category contains all questionnaires that an administrator creates themselves.
- Xpert Suite questionnaires: This category contains all questionnaires offered as content by Otherside at Work.
Adding a new questionnaire
At the top left of the screen, the 'Add' option is available. Here you will find the option to design a folder structure and add new questionnaires within the 'Custom questionnaires' folder.
After choosing to add a new questionnaire, it can be created as a draft by defining the data below and making configuration choices. See screenshot below for illustration.
- Management name: Choose a unique management name for the questionnaire, that makes it recognizable within the folder structure 'Own questionnaires' and in other places under Management.
- Name: Choose a unique name that is recognizable to the end users.
- Code: Choose a unique and recognizable code, by which the questionnaire is recognizable within other parts of Management.
- Parent folder: Choose the folder in which the questionnaire should be created and saved.
- Navigation: Choose one of the following options:
- All questions on one page: The questions are all listed below each other and the categories in this case serve more as section headings.
- One category per page: Each category gets its own page/step, and when filling in the questionnaire, you go through all the steps.
- Cover page: Check this option if a cover page must be shown before the first category.
- Cover page header: Enter the title of the cover page here.
- Cover page description: Fill in the textual description that should be shown on the cover page.
- Header: Enter the title of the questionnaire here.
- Show title above each questionnaire page: Check this option when the title of the questionnaire should be displayed above each page (only applicable for navigation 'One category per page').
- Description: Please provide a description of the questionnaire for the benefit of the person filling in the questionnaire.
- Show description per page: Check this option when the description of the questionnaire should be shown above each page (only applicable for navigation 'One category per page')
- Medical information: Check this option if the questionnaire contains one or more (medical) questions that must be stored encrypted.
- Encrypt: Choose from one of the following options:
- Encrypt entire questionnaire: All answers within all categories are automatically stored encrypted.
- Set up encryption per category: For each category, you can choose to store the answers to all questions within the category encrypted.
- Set encryption per question: For each question, you can choose to store the answer encrypted.
- Save: The first draft of the questionnaire is created and saved in the indicated folder.
Configuring the questionnaire
After the questionnaire is added as a draft, it can be further configured. Three tabs will be available for this:
- Questionnaire: Here you can view and adjust the general properties of the questionnaire, as described in the previous section, divided between the opening screen and the General button. In addition, the 'Publish' option can be found here. This option is explained in the section 'Publish the questionnaire'.
- Questions: This is where the categories, questions, and dependencies can be added and edited.
- Example: Here you can find an example of the configured questionnaire, which can be used to test the functionality.
Add category
Each questionnaire has at least one category, and depending on the intended operation and the initial choice of navigation method (see section 'Adding a questionnaire') there may be more. Choose the 'Add category' option on the 'Questions' tab.
Then specify the necessary options and make the corresponding configuration choices:
- Name: Enter the name of the category here. This name will be shown at the top of the category.
- Description: Define the optional description of the category here. This name is displayed directly below the name of the category.
- Position: Indicate the position of the category within the questionnaire. Tip: This also allows a category to be moved in its entirety (including the questions within the category), to a different position within the questionnaire at a later time.
- Code: Give the category a unique, recognizable code.
Important points of attention:
- Medical information: Check this option if all questions are in medical. Checking this option means that the 'Encrypt' option is also enabled by default.
- Encrypt: Check this option if all questions within the category must be stored encrypted. Tip: This option can be useful when the questions are not medical in nature, but do request sensitive information.
Important points of attention:
Multiple categories within the questionnaire |
All categories on one page | All categories on one page |
Edit and delete category
Existing categories can be edited and deleted via the relevant actions in the category.
Add question
Within a category, one or more questions can be added via the 'Add question' option above the category. You can choose from five different question types and within them a number of subtypes, namely:
- Information text field
- Open-ended question with subtypes:
- Text box
- Large text field
- Numeric text field
- Closed-ended question with subtypes:
- Dropdown
- Check box
- Radiobutton
- Point Scale – Label in line
- Point Scale – Label above line
- Multi-select
- Date field
- Time field
Question type: Information Text field
With an information text field, the following details can be configured and selected:
- Name: Enter the name of the information text field here or use a space when no text needs to be displayed.
- Text: Enter here the text to be displayed.
- Explanation: Provide an explanation that is shown in the mouseover of the question.
- View variant: Choose from one of the following options (see screenshot below for the effect)
- As regular text
- With a blue background color
- With a yellow background color
- With a red background color
- Category: Indicate in which category the question should be placed. By default, this is the category in which the question is created, but it can also be used to move a question to another category.
- ID: Provide the question with a unique, recognizable identifier.
- Position: Indicate the position of the question within the category. By default, it is placed at the last position in the category.
- Dependencies: See later sections on dependencies.
Impression of the question type Information text field |
Question type: Open question
For a question of the Open question type, the following details can be configured and selected:
- Question type; choose from the following options:
- Text box
- Large text field
- Numeric text field (only numeric input possible)
- Question: Enter the description of the question here or use a space when no text needs to be displayed.
- Explanation: Provide an explanation that is shown in the mouseover of the question.
- Category: Indicate in which category the question should be placed. By default, this is the question in which the question is created, but it can also be used to move a question to another category.
- ID: Provide the question with a unique, recognizable identifier.
- Position: Indicate the position of the question within the category. By default, it is placed at the last position in the category.
- Required field: Check this option if the question is mandatory.
- Medical Information: Check this option when the question is medical. Checking this option means that the 'Encrypt' option is also enabled by default.
- Encrypt: Check this option when the encrypted data should be stored. Tip: This option can be useful when the questions are not medical in nature, but do request sensitive information.
- Dependencies: See later section on dependencies.
Impression of the question type Open question |
Question Type: Closed question
For a question of the Open question type, the following details can be configured and selected:
- Question type; choose from the following options:
- Dropdown: Select one answer from a drop-down menu.
- Checkbox: Select one or more answers by checking them.
- Radio button: Select one answer using a radio button.
- Point Scale – Inline Label: Scale score with value of the answer next to the choice option.
- Point Scale – Label above line: Scale score with value of the answer above the choice option.
- Multi-select: Select one or more answer options from a multi-select pulldown menu.
- Question: Enter the description of the question here or use a space when no text needs to be displayed.
- Explanation: Provide an explanation that is shown in the mouseover of the question.
- Category: Indicate in which category the question should be placed. By default, this is the question in which the question is created, but it can also be used to move a question to another category.
- ID: Provide the question with a unique, recognizable identifier.
- Position: Indicate the position of the question within the category. By default, it is placed at the last position in the category.
- Required field: Check this option if the question is mandatory.
- Medical Information: Check this option when the question is medical. Checking this option means that the 'Encrypt' option is also enabled by default.
- Encrypt: Check this option when the encrypted data should be stored. Tip: This option can be useful when the questions are not medical in nature, but do request sensitive information.
- Answer score: Check this option to keep a score for individual answers. Use this option when score-based dependencies are required (see Dependencies section) or score groupings are going to be used (see Score Groupings section).
- Options: This is where the answer options can be entered and arranged. For each answer option, the following details must be defined:
- Option: Text of the answer option
- Score: Numeric score on the answer option
- ID: Unique ID, see explanation of ID above
- Dependencies: See later section Dependencies.
Impression of the question type Closed question |
Question type: Date & Time field
- Question: Enter the description of the question here or use a space when no text needs to be displayed.
- Explanation: Provide an explanation that is shown in the mouseover of the question.
- Category: Indicate in which category the question should be placed. By default, this is the question in which the question is created, but it can also be used to move a question to another category.
- ID: Provide the question with a unique, recognizable identifier.
- Position: Indicate the position of the question within the category. By default, it is placed at the last position in the category.
- Required field: Check this option if the question is mandatory.
- Medical Information: Check this option when the question is medical. Checking this option means that the 'Encrypt' option is also enabled by default.
- Encrypt: Check this option when the encrypted data should be stored. Tip: This option can be useful when the questions are not medical in nature, but do request sensitive information.
- Dependencies: See later section on dependencies.
Impression of the question type Date field | Impression of the question type Time field |
Through dependencies between questions, dynamics can be added, allowing the questionnaire to be more targeted and minimized. For each question, the section 'View setting conditions' is available. Here, one or more (combinations of) dependencies on other questions can be configured using the 'Add Dependency' option.
Next, the dependencies can be configured step by step with the following options:
- Indicate which question this question depends on.
- Specify whether the dependency is configured based on a specific answer, or based on a score.
- Specify which comparison should take place:
- Equal or unequal for answers
- Equal, unequal, less than or greater than for scores
- Specify which answer or score should be included in the comparison.
Next, it is possible to group dependencies from multiple questions into conditions (AND statement) and set multiple groups of conditions (OR statement).
![]() |
Scoring groupings
In addition to scoring on individual questions, it is also possible to work with score groupings. A score grouping is a self-defined subset of questions that collectively lead to a score. Based on this group score, follow-up actions in the form of triggers can also be configured.
When the questionnaire is completed, the scores are added together. Based on the characterization of the score grouping, the result can be used as:
- A raw score
- Normed score: between minimum and maximum score, normalized to a score between 0-100
- Verbal Score: Specific labels for a score within a certain min/max
A management screen is available to use the score groupings yourself. In the 'Score groupings' tab of the questionnaire, you can see the name, types that are displayed, the number of questions that are in the grouping and, if there are verbal scores, the different scores (and otherwise a dash). Learn more about adding scoring groupings in the article Questionnaire management.
When adding or removing a question, click on 'link'. After this, one or more questions can be added or removed from the score grouping.
For the various elements of questionnaires (titles, descriptions, questions, explanations, etc.), translations can be set up directly by clicking on the translation icon at the top right of the relevant element. Translations can then be entered for all active languages (see the screen below for an impression).
NA. At the moment, it is not yet possible to offer questionnaires in another language. Making translations possible is on the roadmap for further development of XS Forms.
Publishing the questionnaire
A (new version of a) questionnaire will be available for use within Xpert Suite only after it has been published. On the 'Questionnaire' tab, a questionnaire can be published via the 'Publish' option. To publish a questionnaire, a publication date must be chosen. This can be the current date, which makes the questionnaire available immediately, but can also be a date in the future when the changes to a questionnaire may only become active from a certain date. Until then, the previous version of the questionnaire, if applicable, will continue to be used.
After the questionnaire is published, the draft version becomes a final version and the version number is automatically increased.
Once a questionnaire is published, the published version will become available in all places where it has been utilized, and will be used when the task to which the questionnaire is linked is started.
A published questionnaire can be edited again by using the 'Edit' option on the 'Questionnaire' tab. At that moment, a new draft version is generated where the desired changes can be made and tested using the preview display on the 'Preview' tab.
Step 2: The Answers
In order to be able to send the questionnaire and to be able to process and use the answers in different places within Xpert Suite, the following steps must be carried out:
Create form fields for all questionnaire responses
The answers to the questions in the questionnaire can be reused in various places. For some of these purposes, it is necessary to map the answers to the questions to form fields (see next section 'Create a report plan').
Create a separate form field for each question/answer in Classic Management. For the overview, it is useful to first create a separate folder and within it, the different form fields.
Details: Please note! Create the encrypted (medical) questions from the questionnaire in a form field with the encryption enabled, so that these form fields are also processed correctly. |
Choices when creating form fields
It is always possible to map a questionnaire answer to a form field of the type (large) text box. This is sufficient if the answers to the questionnaires only need to be included in documents or shown on overview cards.
However, if questionnaire answers also have to be pre-filled in screens, it is important that the mapping to the correct type of form field takes place. See the table below for the mapping options.
Questionnaire Answer Type | Form field type |
Text box | Text box Large text box |
Large text field | Large text box |
Numeric text field | Text box Large text box |
Dropdown | Text box Large text box Combo box |
Checkbox | Text box Large text box Checkboxes* |
Radio button | Text box Large text box Radio buttons |
Point Scale – Label in line | Text box Large text box Radio buttons |
Point Scale – Label above line | Text box Large text box Radio buttons |
Multi-select ** | Text box Large text box |
Date field | Text box Large text box Datum veld (dd-mm-jjjj) Date field (dd month yyyy) |
Time field | Text box Large text box |
* 1. There is a form field type 'checkbox', but it cannot be mapped. So don't use it! 2. If multiple answers are selected for a question with answer type 'Checkboxes', these answers are written and displayed consecutively, separated by a semicolon (example: answer1; answer 2; answer 3). As a result, you will quickly need a large text box. If you want to use individual answers, you will have to create a separate question for each individual answer, since multiple answers are written in a row. | |
** There is no specific mapping option for the "multi-select" answer type. This question type should always be mapped to a (large) text box. In the case of multiple selected answers, these are written and displayed consecutively, separated by a semicolon (example: answer1; answer 2; answer 3). |
Create a reporting plan
A reporting plan defines the actions to be carried out in the context of a specific activity. To send a questionnaire, it is linked to the reporting plan, and the mapping of questionnaire results to form fields is also configured within this plan. If also a document need to be generated immediately on the basis of a completed questionnaire, it can be linked to the reporting plan too.
Creating a reporting plan (for now) consists of creating a new type of consultation. For this type of consultation, record at least the following information and the design choices:
- Consultation type is active: Check this option.
- AppointmentType: Choose Consultation.
- Name: Choose a recognizable name that shows that it is a reporting plan for a public questionnaire.
- Consultation Code: Choose a recognizable code that shows that it is a reporting plan for a public questionnaire and can be used elsewhere within the platform.
- Permitted forms of contact: Choose 'Consultation may be carried out at a physical location'.
- Invitation letter: Choose the option 'None' here.
- Save: Save the Consultation to be able to add the questionnaire afterwards.
- Add questionnaire: Select the right questionnaire
- Default: Check this option
- Required: Check this option
- Link form fields to questionnaire answers: Link the correct questions (and therefore answers) from the questionnaire to the correct form fields, by looking them up in the two lists in the pop-up that will become available.
Step 3: The invitation and reminder(s)
In order to be able to send the questionnaire based on the configured commitment plan, the following steps must be taken:
- Create message templates for sending the invitation and reminder email(s). Set the correct recipients here and use the following text to create a clickable link:
[ OpenUrl ]
Create a new task:
- Under 'Execution', link the correct reporting plan to the task and check the 'Publicly available' option. This will set up that the questionnaire can be offered by e-mail (public).
- Then, under "Events and escalations" for sending the invitation emails and any reminders, add an event for each message:
- For an event, enter the desired start time for the task (and therefore sending the invitation email).
- For this event, set which message should be sent at the start time of the task.
- Activate the event after this configuration is complete. After activation, the escalation is active for the task, so as soon as the task is actively added somewhere within a process, the email will be sent.
Details: For each active escalation, a new trigger is automatically added in trigger management. These triggers are not editable by default, but by means of the 'Convert to trigger' option, the corresponding trigger becomes editable. This option can be used when, for example, more conditions must be attached to whether or not the message is sent, or several follow-up actions are desired, in addition to sending the message. |
- Finally! Add the task to the workflow in which the questionnaire should be sent, or define the trigger with which the task for the questionnaire should be added to the route. Descriptions of these design options can be found on the XSC.
Step 4: The follow-up actions
The answers to a questionnaire can be used in many ways within Xpert Suite. See below the different ways, including an explanation of the design and use.
Overview map
The completed questionnaire can be displayed (read-only) on an overview card, optionally along with one or more specific answers from the questionnaire. This can be configured in the usual way via 'Application settings' > 'Overview documents'.
Questionnaire in Workflow Case file
The questionnaire does not (yet) automatically land in the employee's Workflow Case file. To view the questionnaire, you can navigate to an overview map. An alternative solution is to generate a separate document during a follow-up action (such as a consultation) in which the answers are recorded.
NA. This is a priority for further development for the broad product launch, but not yet available.
The form fields, to which the answers are mapped, are available to use within the same process as pre-filling screens. By including these form fields in the relevant document, the document is pre-filled.
NA. This is a priority for further development for the broad product launch, but not yet available.
The form fields, to which the answers are mapped, are available to use within the same process as pre-filling screens. By including these form fields in the relevant document, the screen is pre-filled and can still be completed or adjusted manually.
Please note! The value in the form field will be overwritten with the completed or adjusted value. The originally completed answer can then only be found directly in the questionnaire (see sections 'Overview map' and 'Questionnaire in Workflow Case file').
NA. This is a priority for further development for the broad product launch, but not yet available.
Triggers can be set up based on (the answers to) the questionnaire. The following events and conditions are available specifically for questionnaires:
- Event: "A questionnaire has been completed"
- Condition: 'Questionnaire has code X'
- Condition: "The answer to question X is an answer option with value Y"
NA. For the 'Value', choose the 'Score' for an answer option and not the 'ID' or the answer itself.
NOTE: Do not use the top 2 conditions at the same time, as this will not result in any tasks. In other words, if you want a task to arise after filling in an answer to a question, do not use the condition 'Questionnaire has code X' in the trigger.
- Condition: "The scoring group X has a raw value of Y"