1. General

The questionnaire module can currently only be enabled via a customer plugin. It is still turned off by default.

Questionnaires are very similar to screens in terms of functionality. However, in questionnaires you can create dependencies between one or more questions and answers. In addition, they can be filled in via an external page by someone who does not have access to Xpert Suite and they are more visually appealing.



A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

A questionnaire can be linked to consultations and tasks. After completing a questionnaire, the answers are stored in Xpert Suite. These answers can be converted into form fields if desired, so you can use them in documents.

When a questionnaire is linked to a task, the questionnaire can also be completed via an external page if desired, for example by an employee. For this purpose, an email with a URL is automatically sent to a pre-specified email address. This can only be sent to an email address for which a data field is available in Xpert Suite. For example, the private email address of an employee. The questionnaire can be completed on the external page without the need for a login. After filling out and completing the questionnaire, the answers will become available in the employee's file. The questionnaire can no longer be accessed via the external URL.


Questionnaires can be used in

  • Consultation types
  • Tasks


Available question types

  • Read only text field (e.g. for an info block)
  • Large text field
  • Small text field
  • Numeric text field
  • Date field
  • Dropdown menu
  • Dropdown menu where multiple answers are possible
  • Tick boxes
  • Round check boxes horizontal
  • Round check boxes vertical



  • Single dependency: Question B is only shown when answer A is selected for question A
  • Single invert dependency: Question B disappears when answer A is selected for question A
  • Double dependence: Question B only appears when answers A and B are selected for question A; or Question C only appears if answer A is selected for question A and answer B for question B
  • Double invert dependence: Question B disappears when answers A and B are selected for question A; or Question C disappears if answer A is selected for question A and answer B for question B



Triggering on a given answer. This allows a task to be added, for example. The condition can also be doubled, so two specific answers must have been selected to trigger a task.


Information blocks

By default, you can display an info block at the beginning of the questionnaire and at the start of each category (chapter/topic). Additionally, you can show information throughout the questionnaire by using the Read only text field question type.



Layout options are currently limited. Images or logos cannot be added, and font type or size cannot be adjusted. The company style set in the relevant Xpert Suite environment is used for the lay out.


2. Questionnaire management

1. Questionnaire management is accessible via Management > Application settings > Surveys Management.

2. Click on 'Add' to create a new folder or new questionnaire.



3. If you choose 'New questionnaire', fill out all the information.

Here you choose, for example, a name, whether all questions should be displayed on one page or rather per category, and whether the questions are medical and need to be encrypted. These settings can all be adjusted at a later time.


4. At the top you can navigate to 'Questionnaire', 'Questions' and 'Example'.

- Under 'Questionnaire' you can change the data from step 3.

- Under 'Questions', you can add categories and questions.

- Under 'Example' you can see what the questionnaire looks like at that moment.


5. Add category.

You can create questions within a category. You give the category a name, optionally a description, indicate the position of the category within the questionnaire, and indicate whether the category contains medical questions.

A code is generated by default. It is recommended to enter something yourself here.

All this can be adjusted or removed at a later time.



6. Add questions.

You can add questions within a category.

There are several question options available.


Within these options, there are also various choices. For example, if you choose a closed question, you can then select the question type.


You can also determine the category and position here. Here you will also see 'ID', and a value is automatically generated here as well. It is also advisable to enter something yourself. The question ID can later be linked to form fields during the consultation. This way, you could generate a document based on a completed questionnaire.



The question can also be made mandatory and medical.


At 'Options' you add the answer options. Here you will see another pre-generated ID, you should adjust this.


To use the scores you enter here in triggers, for example, you will need to use score groupings. You can add these yourself in Management in the 'Score Groupings' tab. Here, you can enter the name and code, and you can also specify whether the score grouping contains verbal scores.


Finally, you can assign dependencies to the question.


7. Publish questionnaire.

When you have finished creating and checking (via 'Example') your questionnaire, you have to publish the questionnaire, in order to be able to include it in a consultation type.


The questions can no longer be edited. A new version of the questionnaire will need to be created for that. After the questionnaire is published, the 'Publish' button will change to 'Edit'.