In the table below you will find the complete overview of the release. This release will be rolled out in the Xpert Suite on March 27th, 2025.

In the pdf and Word at the bottom of the page you can find an explanation of the larger items of the release.

--> Click here for the Dutch version.


NL, BE, SVXS CalendarIf a user does not have the required qualification for the consultation hour, you will receive an informative report when scheduling an appointment that the qualification is missing. Planning the agreement is still possible (despite the missing qualification).
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarIf the chosen location does not have the required tool for the consultation hour, you will receive an informative report when planning an appointment that the drug is missing. Planning the agreement is still possible (despite the missing agent).
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarVia the call request overview, a final appointment can now be again planned with the planning assistant.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarWith the external e-mail coupling, the Client Secret and end date can be adjusted. So that when they run they can easily be refreshed.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarIn the appointment overview where you can see for each user what agreements are planned, an extra column has now been added where the gender and date of birth of the relevant employee where the appointment is scheduled is. This can be useful, for example, to recognize an employee who is in the waiting room
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarThrough the employee appointments overview, which shows all agreements of an employee, it is now possible to schedule an appointment via the planning assistant with this employee. This saves a lot of extra actions to achieve the same result.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarIf an employee is allowed to re -plan a scheduled appointment, it is now possible to set a maximum for the number of times the employee can replace. This is to prevent an employee from being able to re -plan an appointment infinitely.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarIf a user plan a draft appointment for an employee, and the employee is allowed to re -plan, then a re -plan URL will be generated and sent if the appointment is finalized. This can be set up based on the new trigger event: 'Mutation concept status of an appointment'.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarA new trigger event: 'Appointment has been resisted by the employee' has been added. If an appointment has been replaced by an employee, this trigger event can give a follow -up action to this.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarA new trigger event, "Appointment is resisting," has been added. If a user has replaced an appointment, this trigger event can give a follow -up action to it.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarNew triggal event, 'appointment is scheduled by the employee based on call request' and 'Call request was scheduled by the employee,' have been added. These can be used to initiate a follow -up action if an employee has planned a call request on the basis of a call request.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarNew authorization added in management> User management> User authorizations> Management feature authorization for agenda> Management of modalities.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarThe functionality (re) planning by the employee has been expanded. Within a call request, it can now be set whether an employee can schedule it. With an appointment you can now set whether an employee can replace it. For this, the (re) plans must be on for this at employer level. More info about this can be found in the Highlights Document.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarWithin the capacity overview, which can be approached via the agenda, a new filter has been added that shows the capacity when the institution is on consultation hour "counts as occupied in Wizard".  
 This is useful to show the capacity within a secondment block, since a secondment block does not count as occupied in the agenda (wizard)
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarDuring the performance of a consultation hour, it is now possible to make a document final if a linked screen is definitively stored. This can be set per document via the consultation hour management. You can read more about this in the highlights.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarA button added to the agenda with which the current date in the agenda can be returned with one click, regardless of whether it is being searched for in the past or future. You can read exactly where this button can be found in the Highlights document.
NL, BE, SVXS CalendarWithin the consultation hour management, route documents can no longer be selected when adding a document to a consultation hour. This causes less confusion because these route documents are not visible or generated through a consultation hour.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesThere is a new authorization with which a user can give other users access to specific campaigns. For example, they can work on the same campaign and a colleague can, for example, take over from the other colleague who has leave.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesWhen adding campaign assignments, there is now the possibility to indicate whether an employee can schedule the call request himself. So that the planning department receives fewer (telephone) requests to make agreements. In this way, the employee can opt for a suitable time.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesIf a user has no authorization for the employer's data hole, he is not allowed to perform assignments by uploading a file for this employer. If he could do this, employees from the data hole would not be recognized and created as a new employee. The adjustment prevents pollution in the system.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesIt is now possible to edit employers within a campaign, so that you can also add employers at a later time or link them separately from an existing campaign. This can be done manually and via APIs
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesAt the template that can be downloaded to add assignments, a selection is now possible at the 'Gender' column. This ensures that only values can be chosen that the system has, which causes fewer failed uploads.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesFrom now on sent questionnaires will be given a status: open, closed or expired. When the questionnaire is completed, it will be closed the status and can therefore not be filled in again. The person who will fill in the questionnaire will receive a message about this in that case. The status is not yet used, but for a future release it is intended that this happens when the task is canceled or removed to which the questionnaire is linked.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesIn the overview of uploaded files, time is now also displayed in addition to the date. This makes it easier to see which document you have uploaded when.
NL, BE, SVXS CampagnesFor closed questions, the option has been added to place a point scale at the top of a group of questions instead of repeating the same point scale for each question. See management - Application settings - Questionnaire management - Questionnaire - 'Questions' tab - Add Closed Question - Question Type. With question type, the 'points scale - no label' option has been added. You do give the first question a label and the following questions no label.
NLXS ContractsDuring the generation of invoice bases, the correction factor is rounded more precisely than before. This makes the reports again with what is displayed in Xpert Suite.
NLXS ContractsAgreements now have a status on the service screen. You can add and edit concepts, and publish them when they are ready. The end date can be set afterwards.
NL, BE, SVXS ContractsPO numbers can be linked to services, service variation and within it per department, so that you can distinguish from these levels and the operations performed get the correct PO number.
NL, BE, SVXS ContractsYou can create cost thuses to which a debtor number is linked. You can hang one or more departments to this, so that they can be invoiced separately.
NL, BE, SVXS ContractsWith the different invoicing data, it can now also be indicated that the invoice must be made to the cost carrier, so that when generating invoice bases the operations performed end up with the right debtor.
NL, BE, SVXS ContractsWhen generating invoice bases, all transactions are grouped on the basis of PO number, cost carrier and payment person, so that you can invoice per PO number or cost carrier.
NL, BE, SVXS CoreWe take steps with the phasing of Edge Ie mode. Because of this, some pages may no longer work when this mode is enabled. To set this up in such a way that everything continues to work correctly, you can have your IT department follow these steps: This way you can work in the standard Edge and the IP mode is switched on when necessary.
NL, BE, SVXS CoreThe folding button of the menu items has been moved to the bottom of the menu, along with some adjustments to the alignment of the icons in the same menu.
NL, BE, SVXS CoreWe have made support for call-outs within Display panels. Previously this was only outside panels and in forms. Now there is a correct alignment of these callouts.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSThere is a new authorization for 'access to technical API logging' with which a manager within Connect XS can download a technical log report in the Coupling Account Management with an import coupling. This enables the manager - in collaboration with the manager of the external system - to make a fault solution on the connection.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSTo the table on the Import Log report screen, add one column 'Progress Handling' containing 2 values:
1. The number of log reports, consisting of reports, warnings and failures.
 2. The number of log reports that have been handled
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSThe previous release we added to the employee as an icon to the log report. The same thing is now done for employers and departments. The icons link to the employment file and the department file.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSAFAS files are now immediately collected as a .xml file instead of as .zip file. This ensures that fewer technical actions are needed on the files, making processing technically easier.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSIn Connect XS it is made possible to download and upload files via the File API from Youserve.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSSupport for UPA (uniform pension declaration) messages has been added in Connect XS. This allows salary data to be read and collected in import couplings.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSIn Connect XS it has been made possible with import couplings from Cobra to collect wage data (wage components) from an employee.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSIt is now possible to set in Connect XS which protocols can be processed via the coupling.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSIn the import log report overview, a green check mark is now shown when all the log rules in the log report have been handled. It is now also possible to hide log reports of which all log rules have been handled with the filter "Hide handled log reports".
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Connect XSThe new automations option has been added in Connect XS. In this first version, users can automatically handle log rules in the import log report, so that they do not have to spend time on irrelevant reports.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Dashboards & ReportsThe staff number have been added to the Schoning_Nav_Beertermines report so that employees can be looked up in another system.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Dashboards & ReportsIn the reports 'Disease processes per insurer' and 'disease processes per employer with relevant policies', the PDF display has improved, so that it can be exported in a usable format.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Dashboards & ReportsThe Invoice Specification Reports report has been expanded with a debtor number and name and, if applicable, a pon number. The price category and transaction columns have been merged and now shows the invoice text from the price category design, if not filled the name of the price category.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - OrganisationsNew API added to edit the employee basic data.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - OrganisationsAdded new API to create a concept employer.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - OrganisationsTwo new APIs have been added to pick up departments under an employer.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - RecordsFor the purpose of the new file, a new Actielink has been added: 'Sent documentation overview' for an overview of all sent messages to a social security authority, such as the UWV with Digizzs in the Netherlands and Försäkringskassan in Sweden. Clicking on a rule gives a representation of the XML / JSON that has been sent.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Users & RolesSmall UX improvements have been implemented on management screens User relationships.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - Users & RolesPossibilities for the direction and type of relationship of user relationships is now limited by authorizations, making it no longer possible to set up, instead of just an error message.
NLXS Core - VerzuimNLOn the provider selection screen with an intervention, the provider is now shown in the list of found programs. In addition, labels have been added to make the overview even clearer.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - WorkflowsTo phase out a classic part of the application and to function this functionally with the renewed trigger handler, the task of triggering on form fields is now converted to triggers within the new trigger management. The Task Management in Classic has now been deported because all functionality is now available through the new task management.
NL, BE, SVXS Core - WorkflowsProtocols and protocol variations can now be removed via management> Services> Protocol management. When removing you immediately see whether this is possible and why is not, for example if a protocol or protocol variation appears in a trigger.
NLXS Core - XS Outbound UWV NotificationsFor the reports 'Long -term absence', 'Restored after long -term absence' and 'full resumption', it is now possible to set a trigger who automatically sends this report to the UWV, so that this no longer has to be done manually.
NLXS Financial ControlWithin Insurance, an expansion has been made for accessing claim wages of employees per employer policy. Claims are the expected annual wages of employees on a certain date for a certain policy. The claim wages provide insight into the expected annual wage of employees and therefore the expected damage within the policy if an employee fails due to default. A highlight for this functionality is included in the releasenotes.
NLXS InsuranceWithin the employment file, a new widget for employer insurance policies can be set up, with which the active policies can be viewed and navigated to the detailed policy sawing.
NLXS InsuranceIn the employment policy management screen, an overview screen for the inspection of employee claim wages has been included in the employment policy management screen. The claim wages shown are the expected annual wages of employees (on the current date) based on the wage concept of the policy.
NLXS InsuranceIn ControlXpert, an improvement has been implemented when reading holiday payments from UWV. When reading WIA Payment files with choice 'Honorable holiday pay', it is now possible to choose the period for the holiday payments.
NLXS InsuranceIn ControlXpert, an improvement has been implemented when increasing refunds.  The input screen has been clarified and the reimbursement no longer needs to be entered negatively. In addition, it has been made possible to correct reimbursements.