With Labels, various services, insurances and corporate identities/house styles can be linked to employers within one database. Directly to an employer or via an employer group.


Regarding the corporate identity/house style to be linked, there are 3 house style components available:

  • The house style for the application
  • The document master template
  • The email master template



  • Regarding the e-mail master template and the house style for the application, the customer has to provide the necessary information, after which Otherside can carry out the setup via the database. Otherside has a template available that helps the customer make choices in the design of the house style. Based on this template, Otheride can carry out the configuration.
  • The document master template can be created by an Xpert Suite administrator.




After the various house styles have been set up, the design can be further picked up within Xpert Suite. There are 3 setup steps required to link labels:

  1. Label management - Creating a label. Preferably, these have already been created before Otherside delivers the house styles.
  2. Employer Management - Link label to an employer. 
  3. User Management - Link the employer to a user with label linking.