1. Introduction

This document describes the configuration that needs to be done by the administrator in order to be able to use task delegation in Xpert Suite.


You can watch the webinar via the following link for additional information about Task Delegation in which the following questions are answered:

  • What is task delegation and why is it in the spotlight?
  • What is needed for task delegation?
  • What are the conditions?
  • How do you carry out task delegation efficiently and safely?
  • How can Xpert Suite & XS Triage support this?


Within task delegation, a few key aspects are central:

  1. As a social medical support team, you have to determine which levels of 'case managers under task delegation' (or 'practice nurses to the occupational physician') you have and which activities these users are allowed to take over from a doctor.
  2. You must formally record which occupational physician has delegated tasks to which specific other users.


For point 1 you can configure the following:

  • You can set up a role or user group for each level of task delegation that is possible. This allows you to tailor the authorizations in Xpert Suite specifically to the competence of that group.
  • You can set up a work process with tasks and consultation types, with data to be documented that is in line with the agreed protocol. Form fields and task triggers can also be used to send a signal for review or assessment in specific situations.
  • The generated documents can still be protected from customer users via the 'document review' functionality, until approval by a occupational physician.
  • By setting up several overview cards (one for the doctors and one for the delegates), it can also be achieved that the medical file separate data contains for delegates, and a total overview for the doctors.


For point 2 you can configure the following:

  • A standard case management team and/or person with final accountability can be set up for each protocol variation. The person final accountable is shown on overview documents, such as the medical card. It is also possible to select the right person with final accountability immediately upon reporting sick.
  • In the document review widget you can see which documents still need to be reviewed, by whom they have been presented and who will assess them. After approving the document, you have the option to send a notification task to a user group of your choice.


2. What means validating documents?

Because of all parties working in one digital file, much of the content of the file is also shared directly with other users. Sometimes this is undesirable. As an administrator for user groups, you can configure that certain documents that are added to the file, first must be validated by another user (group) before the document is visible to others with access to the file (and the authorization to see that type of document).

That is why this functionality can also be used for task delegation. The task delegate can do the preliminary work and the occupational physician only has to give an approval.

 When a user with this setting generates a document that is set as "review", then this document will appear in the file with status "to be reviewed". At that point, the document is only visible to the user who created the document and the group that needs to approve the document. The user who needs to approve the document can access the list of all documents to be assessed from his home page. The user can also open the document in the specific user file. The document can then be modified, or released to all other authorized users.

When the reviewer immediately approves the document without making any adjustments, the version of the task delegate will become final. The document can be seen in the Workflow Case file with status Final and the name of the task delegate is in the User column.
If the reviewer modifies the document and then releases it, a version will be added to the Workflow Case file. This version can then be seen in the Workflow Case file with status Final and the name of the reviewer is in the User column. 
After approving the document, you have the option to send a notification task to a user group of your choice:


It is also possible to generate a follow-up action (such as a notification task) by means of a trigger after approval.

This can be done on the basis of the event of an approved consultation document as well as a trajectory document.

Other settings of the trigger will apply. For further explanation of triggers on the XSC, see:



3. Configuration

3.1 Setting up the Case Management Team

The user group occupational physicians must be set up as a CM team. This way, you can create an overview with the assigned files of the occupational physician. The way to configure this is described in this article:   


3.2 Setting up the person final accountable for protocol variation

Please note! If the following is not yet visible in the administration, then a plugin must first be enabled to set up a person with final accountability. Our Xpert Desk can do this. Create a ticket to request the enablement of the plugin.


To set a person final accountable for a protocol variation, first navigate to the relevant protocol variation. To do this, go to Management -> Services -> Protocols


Next, choose the protocol variation where you want to set up the final accountability and edit the final accountability:

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You will then be taken to the next screen and you can add the assessors who may act as the person with final accountability.



4. Assessor management actions

The following adjustments must be made to the assessor's user group.


4.1 Add widget 'Documents to be assessed'.

On the homepage, you need to add a widget, which will contain all the documents that need to be reviewed by the assessor. You can set this up under Application Settings --> Portal Management:


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The overview includes a column showing which user created the document and a column for the user ultimately accountable for the document. In addition, it is possible to sort by the different columns and a search function has been added within the table.

It is possible to sort by the name of the employee, user who created the document, subject (document name), workflow, date and person ultimately accountable. By default, the most recent documents are shown at the top of the list. Using the search field above the table, you can search within the table. It is possible to search by names of employees, user who created the document, subjects, workflows and person with final accountability.


In the same overview, there is now the option to filter by:

  • User: users who have created at least one document, which needs to be assessed;
  • Employer: employers of which at least one employee has 'documents to be assessed' within the Workflow Case File;
  • Period: period within which the document was created;
  • 'Only documents for which I am ultimately accountable': this applies when Task Delegation / Ultimate Accountable is set up for the environment.


The widget shows a (limited) list of the documents that need to be assessed. On the left, you will see the document name, the associated file and employer. On the right, the user/author and the creation date are displayed. This widget quickly provides insight into whether and how many documents still need to be assessed and by whom. Functionality of the widget depends on the authorizations set.


4.2 Authorizing on Organizational Structure & Document

The assessor must be authorized for the employee and for the document to be assessed. You can find out how to do this here


4.3 Configuring the option to designate the assessor as the person ultimately accountable.

Select the user in Management and go to 'File access management' under 'Accounts'. Next click on the option that the assessor can be chosen as the person ultimately accountable:


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5. Configuration user account whose documents need to be reviewed

5.1 Setting up the Person with Final Accountability

The user whose documents need to be approved must be able to assign a person ultimately accountable for a workflow, in Classic management on page 3.


5.2 Setting up reviewing documents

The user must be set to have the user's document reviewed.  You can set this up in Management -> Users -> User Administration. Choose the intended user and go to the Authorizations for 'Manage document approval':

Next you select the user who will review and approve the document;

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If you want to show the accountable person within a document template, use the Mergefield [Responsible Party] for this. This Mergefield can be found under Data fields > Absences > TblTrajecten.


6. Set User Groups as Reviewers

6.1 How to set up authorizations for the users (groups).

If a user (group) needs to prepare documents for review, you need to turn on "Users who are allowed to perform document validation". 


6.2 Inherit the settings via the Classic Management (in case of user groups)

To transfer the custom authorizations from the user group to the sub group of users, you need to choose Inherit authorization by right-clicking on the user group.


CAUTION! When you click on Inherit authorization, you will be asked if you want to take over the authorizations for the organizational structure and/or users. If these authorizations deviate within the group of users, choose inheritance WITHOUT taking this over. Inherit WITH this takeover means that for all sub groups of users, the authorizations for the organizational structure and/or users will be overwritten to the settings of the parent group.



7. Setting up the document review

7.1 Setup of Document validation

In Management, it must be configurated which document has to be validated.


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